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My General Problems with the world

Oh how life bugs me..

Stem Cell Research

Ok.. Where do you get stem cells? Dead babies right? WRONG. That is not the only place to find the stem cells needed for research. Placentas and Umbilical cords have an ubundance of stem cells that could be used for research. And personaly I don't see what is wrong about using dead fetus' for research. If you are going to terminate a life why not put it to some use? Honestly. God says every life has a purpose .. who is to say that childs life wasn't to be the medical break through needed to save millions of other people with it's stem cells?!?! A lot of people will then argue.. "Well God never wanted us to research stem cells". Bull shit. If God is soverign then he controls everything. So he knows about all this and.. He's given us the technology and scientists to make then discovery of stem cells and their benifits possible. So.. don't give me that crap. And yes it does say in the bible that God is almighty and soverign.


I hate cheaters.... There are cheaters in every aspect of life and they suck! Men who cheat on their women and stupid and pieces of crap. Why would you cheat on a woman? What have we done to deserve that NOTHING. No one deserves that. If you have a problem with the sex life you are in change it by improving your sex life or get out of it. You do not need to sleep with other people. Women who cheat on their men are just as bad. If you want to get back at a man there are plenty of other ways. By cheating on someone all you are doing it creating a world of hurt for another person and making the world worse for doing it. I also have some rants to do about cheaters at games. I love playing video games I rather enjoy the ablity of playing with people all over the world. but cheating in a video game gets you no where. You may level up faster but take away those cheats and a monkey could beat you. So cheating at a game does not make you better it just makes you an I.D.10.T.


Men's feelings on sex.

Why? Do all men think that sex is needed for them to live. I understand that men like sex. I like sex too, but it is not everything there is to life. Yes sex is great and sometime it's exciting to have sex with someone you just met and then never talk to them again but do not think that everyone will put out on the first date. I HATE it when I introduce myself to someone new and immediatly talk turns to sex. What is your favorite position? blah blah blah! Just because I said hi doesn't mean I'm going to have sex with you! DAMM back off! Does it look like I have slut written on my forehead?! I am open about sex and I don't mind talking about it, and if you are hot enough I may just have sex with you on the first date but chill your roll damn it! I know I'm hot and I thank you for the complement of wanting to have sex with me but, I am still a fragile woman with feelings and I WILL NOT be rushed into anything I don't want to do. So please take your time. If you really think I'm that hot I'll give you a picture and you can go home and have fun with yourself. Then when I'm ready I'll might have sex with you. CHRIST!